Title: Miniature American Shepherds at Starbarks Painting is 12" x 9" on Heavy Fine Art Paper Signed Certificate of Authenticity (COA) included. Signed by the artist , title, and date on the back of the painting. Sealed with an acrylic top coat. An authentic original pastel painting by Artist Kimberly Helgeson Sams. Copyright 2001-2024 Stage Dragon Packaged carefully to ensure its safe arrival. This beautiful 9x12 oil pastel painting by artist Kimberly Helgeson Sams captures the essence of the beloved Miniature Australian Shepherds enjoying a day out at Starbarks. The intricate details and vibrant colors bring the scene to life, making it a perfect addition to any collection of dog or animal-themed art. Handmade with care on high-quality paper in the United States, this oil pastel painting is a one-of-a-kind piece that will delight any dog lover. Whether you're a fan of Miniature American Shepherds (Mini Aussies) or simply appreciate fine art, this painting is sure to impress. Add it to your collection today and enjoy the beauty and charm it brings to your home or office.